Hot Chocolate Recipe

Hello again ! Today I'll give you a super tasty drink recipe.We'll prepare hot chocolate together .

 Whole summer I was waiting for winter,cold weather.And finally it's that time.Plus it's the most magical time of the year - Christmas !

It's a winter love.Something sweet and hot .Warms us.. yes it's hot chocolate.Nothing else can make your day better.

It's not snowing here but imagine it's snowing outside,you're under your blanket at your cozy warm flat with a cup of hot chocolate.(Netflix and bae is a plus :) ) What else can you ask for ?

It's so delicious and easy to prepare.When you have crisis for something sweet you don't have to deal with creams,dough or long whisking. Or if you have unexpected friend visit you don't have to be panic cause you have this tasty hot chocolate recipe that will come to help you.

If you ask for aromatic taste you can add cinnamon, clove or orange peel. Also you can serve with whip cream  or marshmallow if you wish.

Well,let's keep it short and see what we need to make hot chocolate..

                                              H O T   C H O C O L A T E   R E C I P E

( Serving : 2 servings )


Milk - 250 gr.

✔  Chocolate - 1+ 1/4 cup of.

Heavy Cream - 3 tbsp.

 ٭ TIP : When you add chocolate into cream-milk mixture it should melt well.So to melt chocolate well i recommend you to chop the chocolate.


Combine cream and milk in a saucepan and heat.

When you see bubbles on the side,means it reached scalding point.At this poinr turn of the heat and add chopped chocolate.

Mix till chocolate get melted and heat again.

 ٭ I preferred milk chocolate so I don't have to add sugar. It's all about your taste,you can add sugar.But if you prefer to use bitter chocolate I'll recommend you to add sugar about 25 gr.

You can garnish with whip cream and marshmallows.

Enjoy your hot chocolate with love 💓

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