Fresh Lemonade Recipe

Can't believe I'm posting recipe of the month at the begining of the month 😊 I guess everybody likes lemonade but I like to make lemonade most.Today I'll give fresh,delicious lemonade recipe,but first let's check benefits of lemonade ;

1- Helps to protect immune system as a strong antioxidant
2- Protects from influenza
3- Great potasium soıurce for brain,heart and neural system
4- Strengths gums
5- Cools heart
6- Eases digestion
7-  Dicreases tension

Okey now time to see how we prepare our super delicious,cool lemonade


Lemon (10 pc will be enough)

Granulated Sugar ( a cup of )

Water (5 cup of)

Half bunch of mint


Grate lemons thick side of  grater.

Squeeze 4 pc of lemon ,and slice remaining lemons to small pieces

Mix sugar and lemon juice.Add grated lemons and lemon pieces then work them well till sugar melts.

Put that mixture into decanter.Add water and mints.And cool at fridge.

That's all.Hope you like it,see you at next post ..

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