In the past I've posted how you can grow your hair but i think it's time to update you at this point.
I've a beautiful smelling oil treatment recipe for your.You can find lots of cosmetic products but as you know I don't like cosmetic that includes chemicals so I made search if i have alternative recipe for us and it should be different from previous one.
Well we all know that we can get tonnes of benefit from essential oils.They're like miracle that can cure everything.
As always we'll need a few ingredient .So easy to prepare and cheaper than cosmetic product and much more healthier as i don't have to mention but i can't stop myself 😉
Come,let's prepare together.
You'll just need ;
Castor Oil - 3 tbsp.
Jojoba Oil - 2 tbsp.
Almond Oil - 4 tbsp.
Pomegranate Seed Oil - 2 tbsp.
Mix all ingredients well and keep in a glass bottle away from day light with cool temperature.
A P P L I C A T I O N :
Massage your scalp with oil gently.
Cover your hair with a moist towel and wait about 30 mins.
Than wash your hair following your ordinary routine.
Repeat at least twice a week for the best result.
Enjoy your day !
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