Get Rid Of Cellulite with Dry Brushing : Benefits & How To Apply

Did you know that our body needs brushing just like our hair and teeth ?

We can say that dry brushing is an easy and effortless skin care technique that allows you to get noticeable results of regular applications.It only takes 5 minute and very simple to make your skin looks smooth and velvety.

Recommend you to read our application steps carefully to learn how to make the skin look better with dry brushing which is a practical and extremely simple technique.

                     H O W   T O   A P P L Y   D R Y   B R U S H I N G   T E C H N I Q U E 

Let's see how to apply dry brushing step by step ;

1 - Choosing The Right Brush 

For beginning you can prefer a brush with soft bristles.By time you can change brush with stiffer one.

2- When To Apply Dry Brushing 

Beauty experts recommend dry brushing in the morning,before shower.You can add dry brushing into your morning shower routine. But time can change.Personally I added dry brushing into my routine.I apply after shower .

3 - Application

You can start from legs and arms.You can brush with oil or lotions or applying anything.For this technique you should brush from bottom to top (for example start from ankle and end at hip).10 times will be enough.Try to brush gently,don't press too hard cause it may cause irritation at your body.

                          B E N E F I T S   O F   D R Y   B R U S H I N G 

You'll be very surprised when you hear benefits of dry brushing ;  

1- Cleans dead skin

It helps you to get rid of  dead skin.Means has a natural peeling effect.Exfoliation of dead skin and cells will relax and revive your skin.

2- Stimulates lymphatic system

Lymphatic system is part of our immune system which helps  to reduce toxins from body.With this you can understand that dry brushing stimulates lymphatic system and help body to start it's own detox.

3- Reduces cellulite

Dry brushing reduces cellulite.It speeds up the blood flow.Makes skin smooth.After regular application you can see difference.

4- Opens pores

Dry brushing opens pores.Thus, it cleans oil and dirt  which helps our skin to breath easier.

Finally recommend you to add this stress relieving technique into your skincare routine.

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