Anti-Anxiety &Anti-Stress Tea

Anxiety and stress are very common nowadays,unfortunately..

I believe power of herbal teas since very beginning Beside cold,flu this tea is also very good for stress.

If you ask what's i just keep it short,answer is very easy :Linden.

Linden tea has many many benefits mostly known with flu.But in regular usage it helps you to reduce stress and anxiety.

                                                            L I N D E N    T E A    R E C I P E 


• Linden leafs (a handful of)

• Clove (4-5 pc.)

•  Ginger (1 pc)

• Hot water or Cold water

• Optional : apple peel


• Put all ingredients in your pot.

•  Add hot water and steep about 10 mins.

•  Serve with honey.

If you keep drinking neatly,you'll feel the difference.

Hope you enjoyed this post,keep calm and drink linden tea 💛 

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