Change Your Life & Be Happy - Bye 2019

Hello everyone !

While we're counting days to end 2019 and to start a new year here I'm sitting at my lovely little balcony,enjoying sunshine with a cup of coffee and writing this lines.

A new year.. means 365 new day,great time to make a never start ,open a new blank page.

Actually we can make a new start anytime we want but a new year ,a new month sounds pretty good to restart.

I've a huge,different energy nowadays,a positive energy  I think it's related with yoga but also I changed something in my life.

Not big things but I realized that small changes make big differences.Colors for example,a cup of coffee or sound of nature may bring you joy๐ŸŒŸ .


I told myself  ' Clean your wardrobe and throw all rubbish !! .Don't keep things that you'll never wear.If you live in tropic land there's no need to keep that ski gear ๐Ÿ˜› I got rid off a huge mess and created space at my closet.Feels so relief '  I can't describe how much I got relax and eased off. And I told to myself : Collect  moments,not things ๐Ÿ’“


It's kinda all about to find what makes you happy.Try till you find.It may be painting or hiking or growing plants or just listening to the sound of waves.. I did and can tell you that once you find it ,you'll see how much energy and joy it gives to you. ๐ŸŒธ


What's your favorite smell ? Mine is fresh coffee smell in the morning and of course book smell.A good book and delicious cup of coffee.. This combination is key recipe for joy,bliss,all good emotions.As a pamper session take your coffee and your book,not much just give yourself 30 mins.You'll feel refreshed..


I can't get enough of yoga. It heals my body,my soul...You surprise everyday when you see what your body can make ,what you're capable of. Light a candle ,take your mat and give a chance yourself to start .At least try a couple of time.Then surely can say that you'll decide to continue๐Ÿ˜‡ If you want to start you can see beginner guide here


Lastly slow down and breath.Stay in the moment close your eyes think about nothing and 
just breath. It'll help you to calm your emotions and realize how much you have.

There're endless things that will help you to be happy or will help to take new actions,decisions.I just wanted to share my very basic things that may inspire you.

Hope you enjoyed,see you at next post ๐Ÿ’œ

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