Miraculous Mask For Acne-Prone Skin

Nowadays I'm suffering from acne and I really hate them 😒

I want to share my survivor mask with you,it really calmed my skin and reduced acne.That's why I call it miraculous mask cause we only use lemon and honey.

If you want acne-blemish free ,bright like porcelain skin,welcome you're at right place.This mask will provide you a healthy,bright and smooth skin.

And as a plus it bleaches your skin tone.I don't mean like 2-3 tone but you'll understand when you apply this mask about 2 weeks.You'll realize that blemishes get lighter. Also it help you to get rid of blackheads.

Come on let's get started with ingredients. You'll need ;

Honey ( a tbsp. )

Lemon juice (2-3 drops.)

Mix lemon juice with honey.

Dab to your face and wait about 40 to 45 mins.

Rinse with water and moisture well.

Repeat this mask twice a day.You'll see the difference from first application.

Well it's that easy to get rid of acne. (but if you have long term,un-healing acne you'll better see your doctor.)

Please share with me if you have home remedies against acne,will be happy to hear.

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