The New Wellness Trend : Forest Bath

If you’re a nature lover,even more than a lover,if you’re an addict,this new trend is just for you.Cause we’re going to forest with this trend.Actually it has an old history in Japan but we just hear or learn about it.And today I’ll try to tell you about this forest bathing .

If you didn’t hear this till know let me introduce you with this simplest and free wellness trend ;
 F O R E S T B A T H. It’s just walking in the forest,wit this you take a bath which decrease your stress level and strengthens immune system.Here’s a few tips that you need to know about forest bath...

*  In Japan, this activity called "shinrin-yoku" means the exact word meaning to take the forest atmosphere or make a forest bath.When this activity became part of the natural public health program in 1982, The Japanese Ministry of Forestry has been added the statement to the language.

*  Forest bath does not require getting undressed or wet. All you have to do is walk in the natural forest air and breathe clean air. You can think this like a walking meditation.

* Don’t try to get  sweat, choose your route according to your physical strength. Don't let your walk last more than 4 hours. As we said, your aim is meditation not sport.

*  Don’t limit this healthy activity with just walking.You can rest,sit and read books. Try to focus on what's going on around you by using all your feelings during your bath.

*  You can breathe deeply into the body by taking natural oils from the trees, thus you’ll be supporting your immune system.

Well it’s kinda mystic but when you start you’ll realize that you can’t stop yourself willing to go forest everytime.Nature always treats you kind,heals you and meditates you.All you need is just stand up,prepare you little backpack and going right into the forest.Feel the forest,green..

See you next time J

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