I guess more of us don't know what prostate enlargement is.
BPH-bening prostatic hyperplasia is medical name of prostate enlargement.It's a result of enlargement of the prostate gland by age and causes some claims at man.It seems generally at age 50 and one out of every four.
How To Get Diagnosed ?
At patients with urinary complaint can easily diagnosed with tests and medical examination.The common examinations are rectal rectal examination,PSA,blood test,transrectal ulrasonography and uroflow test
What Are The Treatments for BPH?
The common treatment is medication and surgery. At the beginning medication is the most preferred. But by time complaints may go up and operation may be needing.The most applied operation is TURP method.
At this method , a thin pipe putted into urinary canal to trim and rake put mid side of prostate.After this operation patients can go home after a small hospitalization.
TURP is a successful method but has some side effects.The most frequent effect is;semen flows back to bladder instead of going our from penis during orgasm.Semen accumulates at bladder and throws out with urine.Another side effect is bleeding.After TURP, It goes down by time but sometimes it continues for weeks.
Hope this was helpful and get well soon !
* I am not a medical doctor, nutritionist or in a health profession or making claims to be. I am merely sharing research that I’ve done and my own personal results.
**As with any health suggestion, be your own advocate, ask your doctor and know that nutrition and beauty advice are not one-size-fits-all. Anything you try is at your own risk.
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