Strawberry Issues

Here comes one of the best fruit of summer ‘STRAWBERRY’.
(but my favourite is watermeloon !,but whatever,our topic is strawberry for today.)

Did you know benefits of strawberry? It’s useful as it’s delicious.

Let’s take a look main benefits of this little sweet red fruit .

1- Reduces dead skin and gives birghter ,softer look.

2- 2-Good for cholosterol

3- Has good effect for heart

4- Useful for bones

5- Proctects from cancer

6- Has an antioxidant effect against diseas

7- Good for diabetes

8- Has treatment against acnes

9- Reduces under eye bags

10- Reduces hair loss

11- Has laxative effect

Does it have side effect ? Of course.

As everybody know,when you consume something too much it has harmful effects for body.

Strawberry includes oxalat,which also included by body fluids .So if oxalat level is higher than needed may cause bladder and kidney problems.If you have complaints about kidnye and bladder,you don’t adviced to consume too much strawberry..

Bye for now !

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