Cheapest Christmas Tree - Eco-Friendly Christmas Tree

I'm back with a very late post for Christmas,but hope to catch it on time.

This year I made a decision and didn't buy a plastic tree.Our world has so much waste and nearly all of them can't be recycled.And I though I can make a difference. If I had a garden with trees I'll definitely prefer to decorate them but well at least I've my baby trees at home :)

                                   D I Y   E C O-F R I E N D L Y   C H R I S T M A S   T R E E

Actually there's not much to do.Take your plant which you want to decorate as a Christmas tree,and decorate as you wish.

I preferred our baby Yucca . I had ornaments from previous years and used them as decoration. Pine cones are new for this season.We collected them from a park .

That's all ! I quit to use plastic at home .Also we're using this just a few days at home so I believe that living plants will be much more beneficial cause they'll stay with us whole year.

Hope this idea may inspire you.See you at next post. Wishing you a happy new year .

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