Say Bye To Blackheads Just With 3 Ingredient -Homemade Blackhead Remover

Hello again ! Your age doesn't matter we all have problem with blackheads.Today i'll give you all natural recipe that'll help you to reduce blackheads.

Blackheads are previous phase of acne.They cause acne so you've to stop your blackheads before they turn to acne (as we definitely don't want it. ) We'll just need rose water,clay and cider vinegar to have smooth skin.

Clay is a great cleaner with softener effect.Cider vinegar penetrates pores and opens them.Lastly rose water cleans remaining dirt on skin.See , just with 3 ingredient you can get rid of from your blackheads .All natural and cheap.You don't have to pay money to synthetic ,unnatural ,chemical products .Sure it's your choice,but I always stand up for natural contents.

I'm sure most of you know this clay mask,but still I want to tell if some of you don't know this,let's prepare this mask together :) 

T O O L S :

* Clay - a tbsp 

* Rose Water - a tbsp
* Cider Vinegar - a tbsp

S T E P S :

1-Mix these three ingredient till you get a paste. 

2- Apply this mixture on your blackhead and wait about 25 min.

3-First rinse with warm water,then rinse with cold water(to tight up pores.)

4-Lastly end your beauty session with tonic.Apply your tonic,or rose water .

You can repeat this once a week.Will see difference from first application.

I really love this mask ,so easy to prepare ,so effective,being natural and cheap  is bonus too :)

Hope you'll like it,see you at next post x. ! 

Photo credit:pinterest

* I am not a medical doctor, nutritionist or in a health profession or making claims to be. I am merely sharing research that I’ve done and my own personal results.

**As with any health suggestion, be your own advocate, ask your doctor and know that nutrition and beauty advice are not one-size-fits-all. Anything you try is at your own risk.

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