How To Reduce Varicosity

For any purpose,lemon supports us to stay young.Includes vitamin C and very effective for healthy skin.Plus,such a good  bioflavonoid source as quercetin that increase vitamin C effect.
For skin care , lemon reduces bacterias ,tightens and strenght skin and give brightness.
If we want to see nutritional ingredients ;
Folic acid,Vitamin C,Limonene,Fibre and Potassium

Today , we will see a quick revipe with lemon to reduce varicosity.I’m not saying after this application you will totaly get rid of your varicosity,please don’t forget that this recipe will help you to reduce that look,and support your treatment of course.
·         4 tbsp herbal glycerin
·         Lemon Juice(of a lemon)
·         A drop of neroli oil
·         A drop of rose essence
·         Mix all ingredients.
·         Apply this mixture on to problem area(you can apply twice a day)

·         You can keep this mixture about 3 months.(but don’t forget to control every week)

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